Neiman Originals was started in 1980 with a desk and a telephone in a laundry room. Carla Bonney had recently gotten married, moved to California, and was expecting her first child. She was trying to start a business that would allow flexibility, so she began with an ad in the Los Angeles Times, advertising that she bought and sold LeRoy Neiman and Norman Rockwell graphics and originals. Her telephone began ringing off the hook with artwork for sale, and thus she established a client base which primarily began with other galleries and art dealers.
A few years later her sister, Holly, joined with her to begin a more concerted effort to expand their ability to help people buy and sell works of these artists. Holly now lives in Arizona, and works primarily with sales and computer management of the Art Database. Carla works in California and handles sales, shipments, framing and restoration. Carla’s husband, Warren, handles the marketing and administration needs, as well as any computer/website concerns. We enjoy our work, and love our verbal contact with our clients. We treat our clients with respect and make it a professional, but fun experience with any dealings. This is what has increased our business to the point that we believe this website will assist all in the successful marketing of original works by LeRoy Neiman. We have impeccable references, and carefully execute any transaction with which we are involved.
If you have comments or questions please feel welcome to reach out to us.

Carla Bonney with LeRoy Neiman